[Quotes] Otherworldly Evil Monarch - Jun Mo Xie - Part 2 (ENG)


Otherworldly Evil Monarch - Jun Mo Xie

Chapter 305

'It's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's essential nature!'

Chapter 357

'Turns his palm up, and he gathers the clouds. Turns his palm down, and he turns them to rain.'

'One laughs wildly when they are frustrated. And, one should do it even more strongly when they are pleased. Laughter must be hearty and unrestrained. And, one should sing loudly when they are pleased with themselves! Why have so many misgivings? Life is tough and short. So, enjoy it while you can. And, intoxicate oneself in songs.'

'Be calm and tranquil if you're proud of yourself. Why would you act cocky if someone talks to you? I dislike those who act like pretentious pricks. Why would anyone proud of themselves act anxious? I dislike too much strain. I'm proud of myself, and I'm awesome! Who dares to take me as a madman and laugh? Ask yourself… do you have any achievements the kind this madman does? Shut your mouth if you don't! The eighteen generations of your ancestry have been sissy, and your socks had stinky holes in them! I won't even urinate in your water bottles! Why should I concern myself with any of those damned matter? How's it my business?'

'Sing when you're proud. And, stop when you've failed. Many worries and regrets can last for ages. Live in the moment. Worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes'

'Those who fail to show their skill shall break. And, those who shall break will eventually break. And, I will kill them when they break. It's important to laugh at the clouds if one wishes to run amok the lands. It's important to go about one's own means. And, it's important to… go fu*k it!'

Chapter 362

'A wise man knows not to fight when the odds are against him'

Chapter 369

'Someone is responsible for every grievance. And, there is a debtor for every debt'

Chapter 373

'There's a road to the sky above, but it takes an age to set upon it. Raise your head and look at the beautiful trees. A heart with a mountain of spirit is only a lake at the foot of an immortal. One can take this road after nine transformations of the soul…'

Chapter 397

'Obey me, or die by my hand! I will wreak havoc upon the world! I will kill the Kings of men. And, I will also kill their Gods!'

Chapter 403

'Good and evil will eventually be distinguished. Heaven's justice can't be escaped. A hand from the Heaven has descended to kill the vile'

Chapter 420

'I will argue with my fists no matter how big and strong your backing is. And, I will destroy your whole family if you even hurt a single finger of mine! I won't bother if many innocents die because of the storm this matter creates. I will only blame the person who caused this trouble. How can the victim's family blame me for it?'

Chapter 427

'The speaker has no particular intention of speaking something, but the listener reads their own meaning into it'

Chapter 440

'It's much easier to put a damn on a river than to stop a person's mouth from flowing!'

Chapter 445

'People could change, and people could betray. But, the sword would never do it; never'

Chapter 460

'After all, every raven sees calls itself clean when it sees a crow! But, they're the same!'

'An exceedingly talented man can bring an equally exceeding calamity if he doesn't have virtue'

'One's guilt is of no significance if they can find a high-sounding justification'

Chapter 468

'What every person does seems correct in their opinion. But, who could've thought so far ahead? No one would be able to do anything if they were to put so much thought into their actions! And, the people who don't do anything are only mediocre!'

Chapter 476

'Brothers are precious to the heart. Would I be called a 'brother' if I waited for my brother to come to me for help? Could I still be called a brother? Could I still be considered a brother? My brother's problem is my problem!'

Chapter 542 

'I would rather suppress the entire world, but I wouldn't let the people's orders suppress me! This is the only way a Monarch works. And, this has remained constant since eternity!'

'A sensitive person can't find the desirable amount of food to eat, while a shameless person finds enough'

Lazy Seven

The Most Lazy King : Enjoys doing anything related to his interests, such as drawing and making stories. There is only one weakness, exactly the same as his name, Lazy. (cough) please understand~(=´∇`=)

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