[Poetry] Singer Flower 2 - Scarlet Flowers (ENG + INDO)


Your dress is a clear white color

(Gaunmu berwarna putih jernih)

Fluttering and dancing with the wind

(Berkibar dan menari bersama angin)

Standing firmly on the brown ground

(Berdiri tegap di atas tanah coklat)

At first glance, no stain dares to dirty you

(Sekilas tak ada noda yang berani mengotorimu)

You dance with joy

(Kau menari dengan penuh kegembiraan)

Fresh Aroma spreads over the entire surface

(Aroma segar menyebar ke seluruh permukaan)

Full of peace and security

(Penuh dengan ketentraman dan kedamaian)

You bloom without any worries

(Kau mekar tanpa ada rasa khawatir)

That's what it should look like

(Itulah yang seharusnya terlihat)

That's what's supposed to happen

(Itulah yang seharusnya terjadi)

This dream... Expect to be eternal

(Mimpi ini... Di harapkan menjadi abadi)

But the shadow began to reveal itself

(Tapi bayangan mulai menampakkan dirinya)

It shows you the truth

(Dia memperlihatkanmu kenyataan)

Leads you to the Red Lake

(Menuntunmu ke arah danau merah)

My flower, what's your choice?

(Bunga ku, apa pilihanmu?)

You dance with blazing fire

(Kau menari dengan penuh kobaran api)

To the point of injury

(Hingga terluka)

Until your petals are torn apart

(Hingga kelopakmu terkoyak)

The wind ran fast for no reason

(Angin berlari kencang tanpa sebab)

You fly with pain

(Kau terbang dengan menahan rasa sakit)

Blood rain floods the land where you live

(Darah hujan membanjiri tanah tempatmu tinggal)

They force them into your body

(Mereka memaksa masuk kedalam tubuhmu)

Ah slowly... But with certainty

(Ah secara perlahan... Tapi dengan pastinya)

They transmit their colors to you

(Mereka menularkan warna mereka padamu)

Your dress is fiery red color

(Gaunmu berwarna merah menyala)

Fluttering and dancing with the wind

(Berkibar dan menari bersama angin)

Standing firmly on black soil

(Berdiri tegap di atas tanah hitam)

A glimpse of many stains dare to dirty you

(Sekilas banyak noda yang berani mengotorimu)

You dance with blazing fire

(Kau menari dengan penuh kobaran api)

To the point of injury... Until your petals are torn apart

(Hingga terluka... Hingga kelopakmu terkoyak)

The wind ran fast for no reason

(Angin berlari kencang tanpa sebab)

You fly with pain

(Kau terbang dengan menahan rasa sakit)

Once the shadow asked you

(Suatu ketika bayangan bertanya padamu)

They expect you to give up...

(Mereka mengharapkan agar kau menyerah...)

Answer... 'Your choice won't give up!'

(Jawaban... Pilihanmu 'tidak akan menyerah!')

The fiery red of my flower

(Merah menyala dari bungaku)

Only the fiery red of your petals

(Hanya merah menyala dari kelopakmu)

My scarlet flowers...

(Bunga-bunga merah menyalaku...)

Oh, my scarlet flowers...

(Oh, bunga-bunga merah menyalaku...)

We will follow you to the end

(Kami akan mengikutimu sampai akhir)


Song of Singer Flower 2 - Scarlet Flowers

By Character : Dandelion Horgan 

Novel : Underworld Prison - Eris's Blood

Author : Lazy Seven

Lazy Seven

The Most Lazy King : Enjoys doing anything related to his interests, such as drawing and making stories. There is only one weakness, exactly the same as his name, Lazy. (cough) please understand~(=´∇`=)

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