[Quotes] Records of the Human Emperor - Wang Chong - Part 2 (ENG)


Records of the Human Emperor

Chapter 96

‘The dam of a thousand li could crumble under an ant’s nest’

Chapter 101

'What does standing alone on the shore to ward off the sea feel like? What does standing alone in the storm to withstand the batter feel like? What does standing alone at the top of the mountain to face the boundless darkness feel like? Loneliness, incomparable loneliness!'

Chapter 110

‘Just like there’s no pure gold, there isn’t a perfect human in the world’

Chapter 140

'Circumstances shapes attitude, and attitude shapes appearance!'

Chapter 146

‘It takes more than one cold day for a river to freeze three feet deep. To open up a closed heart wasn’t an easy matter'

Chapter 147

'Hahaha, the purpose of life is happiness, don’t allow your wine cup to face the moon emptily. What’s the use of restricting yourself so much? Being happy is enough'

Chapter 156

'Humans can be classified as righteous and evil, but can the same be applied to martial arts? If it is used for righteous purposes, then it would be righteous. If it is used for depraved purposes, then it would be malevolent. If one cultivates orthodox martial arts and commit depraved acts, is he not considered as evil?'

Chapter 165

‘Blinded by a single leaf, and thus failing to see Mount Tai; stuffing one’s ears with beans, and thus failing to hear the thunder rumbling’

Chapter 166

'Enemies were loathsome, but inner spies were the lowest of scum!'

Chapter 183

‘How can one disregard a matter concerning one’s country’s survival for one’s own convenience?’ 

(previously mentioned in the previous chapter - Unknown Number)

Chapter 226

‘Water thrown out can’t be easily regathered, actions completed can’t be easily undone'

Chapter 254

'doubt not the man you use, use not the man you doubt'

Chapter 277

'The true military experts tend to have humble accomplishments, (those who are truly capable will move correctly from the start to the end, leaving no doubt or gap for failure in their plan)'

Chapter 344

'An incompetent soldier hinders himself, but an incompetent commander hinders an entire team'

Chapter 433

'A roof will leak on the night of a downpour, blessings do not come in pairs but misfortune never comes alone.' 

Chapter 460

'A pine that did not endure wind and storms would not be able to develop any strength of character. A jade that was not carved would never become a precious object!'

Chapter 461

‘I am willing to give my life for the good of the country, or is it that one should flee in the face of disaster and approach in times of blessing?’

Chapter 477

'Before the troops and horses can be mobilized, rations and fodder must be prepared. Without sufficient food, a great army would crumple without even the need to attack!'

'All warfare is based on deception'

(A proverb from Sun Tzu's Art of War)

'Military strength relies on simulation'

Lazy Seven

The Most Lazy King : Enjoys doing anything related to his interests, such as drawing and making stories. There is only one weakness, exactly the same as his name, Lazy. (cough) please understand~(=´∇`=)

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